Granite is an igneous rock, which means it was once molten and formed as it cooled deep within the earth. Minerals within granite typically appear as small flecks throughout the stone, creating a "salt and pepper" look. Other types have veining similar to marble. Granite is a dense-grained, hard stone. It can be highly polished or finished in a variety of other ways. A broad spectrum of color is available.
Marble has both a scientific and commercial definition. Scientific marble was once limestone that achieved metamorphosis from intense pressures and high temperatures within the earth. This altered its crystalline structure and introduced other minerals that produced the valuable colors and veining. Commercially, any stone capable of taking a polish (with the exception of granite) is known as marble. This includes travertine, onyx, serpentine and limestone
Limestone is widely used as a building stone because it is readily available and easy to work with. It is a sedimentary stone, layered and formed from the skeletons and shells of sea creatures that lived in vast, warm seas millions of years ago. Much domestic limestone is gray to buff in color, while some pastel shades of yellow to pink are available. Imported limestones are available in colors ranging from light beige to dark brown, red and black. When the mineral dolomite is present, it makes the limestone harder and capable of being polished in the same manner as metamorphic marble. Travertine marble is a variety of limestone formed in pools by the slow precipitation of hot, mineral-rich spring water. The "holes" characteristic of travertine was created when carbon dioxide bubbles were trapped as the stone was being formed. Although the classic travertines are recognizable by their dark colors, dark reds are available to dark brown veining.
Onyx marble is a translucent, layered calcitic stone in pastel shades. It is typically formed in caves as stalactites and stalagmites by the slow precipitation of cold, mineral-rich water.
Engineered Quartz Surfacing
Engineered stone is fashioned from quartz and offers the visual depth of granite. Various brands have varying color offerings. It is a nonporous surface that resists scratches and is easy to maintain, without the annual sealing required by natural stone.